Wk 8 — Art Activity — Student Choice, Part 1

Joel Yarde
Oct 16, 2020


  1. What you plan to do
  • My plan for this project is to show my progression in drawing and how I play to show that is by showing where I started from to where I am at now.

2. Why you want to do it

  • The main reason I decided this route is because I want to show the class that consistency in your own goals and passion can lead to results to your liking. Also I feel like it would be and interesting topic due to the fact that this is an art class.

3. What resources you will need?

  • All I would need is basically pencil and paper to start making my drawings. Another factor that is essential is listen to music while I’m drawing.

4. What concerns you might have — time? materials? your own skill? audience understanding? etc

  • The only concerns I might have is time to create the drawings so that the class will be able to see my transition of improvement.



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